#CCleaner is a must have Windows application to clean your windows PC:

  1. Easy to use
  2. Free out disk spaces (delete temporary files that are not deleted automatically)
  3. Protect your privacy (delete your browsing history, cookies etc)
  4. Makes your computer run faster (cleans up unused files and settings which take up hard drive space making computer slower and slower)

CCleaner Homepage: https://www.piriform.com/

Download page: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds

License: Freeware

Version: v5.65.7632 (24 Mar 2020)

Change Log:

Better Cleaning
– Added new areas in Internet Explorer’s LocalAppData
– Improved Internet Explorer cache cleaning

Smart Cleaning
– Browser Smart Cleaning now supports Edge Chromium

Health Check
– Health Check no longer shows a connection error incorrectly (thanks nukecad!)
– Improved wording around connection errors to avoid unnecessary confusion
– Fixed Health Check freezing in some cases when CCleaner is launched (thanks APMichael!)

– CCleaner is now translated into Bengali and Urdu
– Made improvements to various translations
– Fixed a bug where the Estonian language option was showing Slovenian

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
– Fixed a bug where erroneous data was being added to the .ini file (thanks larryg1516!)